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A Few Ideas

Average Rating3.83
(based on 138 reviews)

Boredom is the enemy of education. These resources aim to give students an engaging, fun way into topics that are relevant to their lives, including awkward ones like sex education, and informing about issues that are shaping the world and their future. My hope is that they help be an effective tool to the teacher to wake up a hunger for knowledge in students, and that everyone in the classroom would have a more enjoyable and enriching experience because of their use.




Boredom is the enemy of education. These resources aim to give students an engaging, fun way into topics that are relevant to their lives, including awkward ones like sex education, and informing about issues that are shaping the world and their future. My hope is that they help be an effective tool to the teacher to wake up a hunger for knowledge in students, and that everyone in the classroom would have a more enjoyable and enriching experience because of their use.
Animal Rights

Animal Rights

A resource which is intended to run over 4 lessons: independent study with some introduction and video clips which can be uploaded to your server, and students can access them in their own time using headphones. Great for independent study, differentiation, SMSC, PHSE, Religious Studies and Citizenship, as well as General Studies, this resource stimulates outrage, insight and curiosity. It also includes historical and cultural insights, like the Ecuadorian Government signing in the rights of nature into law.
Israel Palestine Conflict

Israel Palestine Conflict

This is of course a notorious issue for one that sparks conflict between groups. These 3 resources: a powerpoint, Prezi and roleplay try to help students empathise and understand both sides of the conflict without siding specifically on either one. The lesson objectives are: What is the conflict in Israel and Palestine about? What are the different responses to it? What do you think is the best response and why? There are about 4 hour long lessons worth of activities here with varying levels of difficulty: from role plays, youtube clips of varying degrees of debate (the hardest being the 15 minute clip by John Pilger, Palestine is still the issue). It's really worth putting this into context with the history of the formation of Israel (which this clip is quite good at, but I don't think very accessible to KS4 but more KS5 level https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wo2TLlMhiw). There's a simplified version in the powerpoint. It's excellent for world politics, terrorism and extremism, SMSC, PHSE, Religious Studies. I really recommend you watching the clips first if you can, and getting the students to engage with them. I usually get the students to watch the clips and do the roleplay in one lesson and then do more research written work in the next. The roleplay has 24 separate individual roles (sorry, I ran out of steam, i nearly made it to 30!) which vary in nationality, religious belief and is a very useful way to get students to empathize. If you have more than 24 people I recommend you let students chose their relationship to the families (aunts/siblings/grandparents/friends etc.) It also really helps for me to remember to ask questions rather than tell students they are wrong if they bring in extreme(ish) opinions from home (of which Arab and Jewish families often do pass on to their children). Prezis, if you've never used them, work just like powerpoints: you make them full screen and then just press the right arrow on your keyboard. Good luck in teaching this lesson with informed sensitivity, kindness, and with hope for a peaceful resolution!
Maybe Islam is Good?

Maybe Islam is Good?

A resource to help explore and counter Islamophobic rhetoric in schools, which is sadly increasingly common. This lesson includes individuals and philosophies in Islam which have been profoundly positive in their influence on society, including nobel prize winners, human rights activitists, politicians, charitable donations and international charities. Differenatiated, independent learning activities and links to youtube videos all included. Learning questions are as follows: Does Islam make any positive contributions to the world? (Level 4) What are some of the reasons Muslims contribute positively to the world? (Level 5-6) “Islam a force for good in the world” Do you agree? (Level 5-6)
Environment and Medical Ethics Whole Scheme of Work

Environment and Medical Ethics Whole Scheme of Work

8 Lessons on the environment and medical ethics including presentations, worksheets, information sheets and activities. Including: Environmental Issues Religious Attitudes to Environmental Issues Infertility Treatment, and Religious Attitudes Organ Donation and Transplants Religious Attitudes to Organ Donations and Transplants Assessment Its not the most polished of Schemes of Work, but its all there and space for you to personaliz e it. Enjoy! :)
SEND inspiring people Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Aung San Suu Kyi and Nic Vujicic

SEND inspiring people Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Aung San Suu Kyi and Nic Vujicic

A set of 7 lessons, including assessment, about inspiring people, including Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Nic Vujici, Aun San Suu Kyi and Gandhi. The Lesson on Nic Vujicic involves watching this clip, which is inspirational AND funny. It's 45 minutes, so will take up most of a lesson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJvEoLPLIg8 My lot loved it. Enjoy.
World Poverty

World Poverty

6-10 Lessons on World Poverty, including its causes, religious attitudes (Christian and Muslim) and case studies. 16 files, PPTs, documents, worksheets and activities, including a prezi link, music videos and youtube links. 1) Introduction to wealth and poverty 2) Religious Attitudes 3) Compassion Justice and Stewardship 4) World Trade 5) Liberation Theology and Oscar Romero 6) Consolidation Feedback warmly received, as always! :)
Self Esteem and Sex and Relationships Education Scheme of Work

Self Esteem and Sex and Relationships Education Scheme of Work

A set of 9 lessons about some of the most awkward stuff a teacher can try to teach. There are presentations, worksheets, online links and assessments all included here and plenty to personalize, adapt and tweek. Including: Self Esteem (4 Lessons) Pornography and Puberty Condoms Sexting Homosexuality and Christianity Break ups
Entire SOW: Religion in the UK with SEND parallel resources

Entire SOW: Religion in the UK with SEND parallel resources

A whole scheme of work on Religion in the UK, which includes a parallel SEND SOW as well. 30 files, including powerpoints, marketplace resources, videos, lesson plans and worksheets, as well as youtube links in the PPTs themselves. The links to the 2011 Census are included in the powerpoint notes so you can personalise your lessons to your locality, and Manchester is used as a case study in the multicultural segregation that occurs in cities (i.e. Muslims/Christians/Jews/Hindus/Sikhs congregate together.) Six lessons in all: 1) Identity: What is 'Britishness' anyway? (challenging xenophobia) 2) Religion in the Stockport & Manchester 3) Humanism in the UK 4) Judaism 5) Religion in the UK 6) Islam in Manchester/Stockport 6b) Islam is good (anti-islamophobia) 7) 'Natural' spirituality: The Case study of Findhorn 8) Assessment (creative dialogue) SEND: 6 lessons which follow the above but exclude Findhorn.
Entire Peace and Conflict Scheme of Work! Oh yes.

Entire Peace and Conflict Scheme of Work! Oh yes.

11 Lessons, including an assessment, covering: Causes of War The Just War Theory Christian and Muslim Attitudes to War Jihad (comparison with the Just War Theory) Nuclear War Terrorism and War Independent Research Task The Sanctity of Life The Iraq War and Refugees Assessment This bundle includes worksheets, videos, presentations, assessment, starters, plenaries and everything you should need to teach this fascinating topic of Peace and Conflict. There's plenty here (hence the size of some of the presentations) so space for trimming slides and activities out. Feedback gratefully received.
Matters of Life: Medical Ethics whole scheme of Work

Matters of Life: Medical Ethics whole scheme of Work

8-10 lessons on Medical Ethics, including religious teaching (Christian and Muslim) on various procedures that simply did not exist at the time of the formation of these major world religions. Clips, hyperlinks, presentations (ppt) articles and case studies are all included in the 18 files in this bundle. There are also a couple of cover lessons/film lessons if you happen to have a copy of Gattaca or 6th Day. The topic includes: Embryo Research IVF Surrogacy Transplants and Transfusions Genetic Engineering Human Experimentation Cloning Saviour Siblings (briefly in the consolidation/revision session) I hope it's all very helpful! Feedback welcome, David p.s. Some DVDs on this topic (particularly My Sister's Keeper, Gattaca (and 6th Day to some extent) are good ones to invest in - you can buy these all on youtube)
Fundamental British Values and Global Citizenship

Fundamental British Values and Global Citizenship

4 Resources
6 lessons which explore democracy, mutual respect, tolerance, rule of law and liberty through a variety of lenses. Aiming to hit PHSE, SMSC, Citizenship and FBV targets this scheme of work is pretty ambitious. The lessons include: A personal perspective: where are we looking from? Uncomfortable histories: how has britain not lived up to FBV in the past? Money and Exploitation: how money is used and abused in meeting FBV Cultural Variations: Is our way the right way? Ways Forward: So how can we improve the situation? FBV and Global Citizenship Assessment Lessons include differentiated activities, group, pair, whole class and individual work, with a wide variety of videos and tasks to be getting on with. Students tend to enjoy these lessons.
ENTIRE Immortality Scheme of Work

ENTIRE Immortality Scheme of Work

An entire scheme of work on Immortality for Religious Studies GCSE. Including powerpoints, worksheets, activities, revision resources and clips, plenty to keep your kids interested, entertained and immersed in an educational experience. Shaped around the AQA Religious Studies B syllabus 1) What is reality 2) The evidence for immortality (NDEs and Reincarnation Stories) 3) Religious Attitudes 4) Scriptures and Life After Death (LaD) 5) The Resurrection 6) Muslim attitudes to the Resurrection 7) Paranormal Activity and Evidence for Life after Death 8) Revision 9) Revision 2
Entire Science and Religion Scheme of Work

Entire Science and Religion Scheme of Work

An entire 6 lesson bundle about science and religion. Includes videos, youtube links, wordsearches, assessment AND an alternative 5 lesson SEND series of lessons with simpler language and more visual activities. All for £3. Bargain.
Poverty in the UK: Entire SOW

Poverty in the UK: Entire SOW

A 7 lesson Scheme of work on Poverty in the UK, including powerpoints, youtube clips, images, worksheets, booklets, and revision resources to help for KS3 or 4 work. Designed around the AQA Religious Studies B Spec. 1) What is Wealth and Poverty 2) Religious Attitudes to Wealth and Poverty 3) How do people get rich or poor 4) Poverty in the UK 5) Charitable Solutions to Poverty 6) Poverty: Solutions and Responsibility for Poverty 7) Revision/Consolidation lesson (with a 20 question competitive comprehension activity)
Entire Elderly and Death Scheme of Work

Entire Elderly and Death Scheme of Work

This is a sensitive topic for many students, and this attempts to include the personal reality of old age and death whilst sensitively exploring the ethical issues around assisted dying/euthanasia. 28 files, including presentations, activities, debates, research tasks, a cover lesson template, word searches, clips and an assessment. Ideal for GCSE RS students. Including: Issues faced by the elderly religious (Christian and Muslim) attitudes to the elderly (resources here which can double as revision resources) euthanasia (and religious attitudes to euthanasia and suicide) care homes hospices revision lessons assessments Debate topics Feedback always gratefully received.
Crime and Punishment Scheme of Work

Crime and Punishment Scheme of Work

9 Resources
9 seperate lesson resources which constitute an entire scheme of work. Totalling £27 separately, this quality resources include independent study tasks, documentaries, youtube clips, printable resources, worksheets and differentiated tasks (for both SEND and more able students). Can be spread out to last 9 lessons, or compressed into 6.
Medical Ethics: Religious Studies and Ethics

Medical Ethics: Religious Studies and Ethics

6 Resources
A bundle of 8 lessons which includes: embryology, IVF, surrogacy, cloning, transplants and transfusions and human experimentation. these include case studies, embedded videos, youtube links, articles, current updated statistics and a variety of activities for students to get stuck into. This also includes some extenstion activities, some key word tasks and a revision session to really embed your students learning. 50% reduction on indivual lessons.
Peace and Conflict Scheme of Work

Peace and Conflict Scheme of Work

10 Resources
A scheme of work which covers the causes of war, how it is justified politically and religiously, nuclear war, pacifism, north korea, 9.11 and terrorism, with an opportunity for an creative and analytical assessment. I've tweaked, modified and re-vamped these resources to maximise engagement and learning for 2018.
Entire, 10 lesson Holocaust Scheme of Work (with extensions and SEND resources)

Entire, 10 lesson Holocaust Scheme of Work (with extensions and SEND resources)

A whole Holocaust/Shoah scheme of work with videos, worksheets, wordsearches, youtube videos, embedded videos that include real survivors talking about their experience. I've taught and tweeked this over 6 years, teaching it perhaps 30 times, adding a real dimension of Jewish faith and how the Holocaust/Shoah challenged and strengthened different people's faiths. Excellent resource for higher achievers: level 7-8 is quite common with the scafolding here. It starts historical, and then becomes increasingly integrated with the effect on Jewish Faith. There's really loads here, including 34 files in total, so plenty to chop and change. Lesson 1: Introduction: 6 258 673 Lesson 2: Propaganda and Indoctrination Lesson 3: Timeline and Gradual Change in Nazi Germany Lesson 4: The Ghettos Lesson 5: Jewish Identity Lesson 6: The Concentration camps and Anne Frank Lesson 7: What was lost? Who's to blame? Lesson 8: Rescuers Lesson 9: Fight Back! The Bielski Brothers Lesson 10: Lessons from the Holocaust Lesson 11: Assessment